26.04.2019 2544

The specifics and the results of training foreign economic activity managemant specialists


  • highly-qualified scientific teaching staff;
  • wide use of modern educational technologies at academic process;
  • students' getting qualified training in English (during the whole period of education – 5 years)that gives them an opportunity to receive grants and stipends for education training at foreign higher educational institutions, and later - to find a job at foreign companies, finance enterprises or their offices;
  • students' active participation in research work of the Department, scientific conferences in speciality; results of the best students' research works are published in scientific publications.


  • acknowledgement of current legislation that regulates foreign economic activity in Ukraine; forms and methods of regulating foreign economic activity; peculiarities of currency regulating in foreign economic activity; arrangement of price formation at the world market; methods of studying consumer demands and methods of products advertizing; types of foreign trade operations, structuture and contents of foreign trade contracts; forms of international payments; peculiarities of transport service of foreign economic activity; methods of goods competitiveness improvement at external markets; peculiarities of organization of foreign trade activity of an enterprise; ethics of business communication and conferring;
  • ability to develop an optimal strategy of the development of a foreign economic activity enterprise; to calculate and to analyse the main indices of foreign economic activity of an enterprise; to evaluate the export potential of an enterprise; to form price policy of an enterprise at the outcome for external markets;to conduct the monitoring of the main competitors, providers and consumers at a certain market; to predict the demand for products of an enterprise at external markets;
  • skills in compiling and translation of different foreign trade documentation; formation of the client basis; performing presentations, communication, business writing; calculating the bill price  of the imported goods line taking into consideration basical conditions of  delivery.